Monday, January 7, 2008

Assignment 1 - Carbon Footprint

So I calculated my carbon footprint twice. I figured it with the miles I was commuting with my old job to the miles I do now. It was 21.1 tons when the average is 7.5. Now with my new job.... 5.2! Can you believe that? That's insane. That is the only thing I changed. I went from commuting about 150 miles a day to around 6 a day and it dropped that much. I think we should all get rid of our cars!!

As architects we can obviously utilize green design in our buildings but if we pay attention to things like developing areas where a car is not necessary we can eliminate a lot! I mean look at my number above. I think this topic stretches way beyond just architects but unfortunately I feel like so many in today's society are turning to us to solve the problem and not looking at the simple things they can do as well. We also need to make that extra step now in order to save the future.

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